Showing posts with label DIY teen toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY teen toys. Show all posts

How to make a simple Dreamcatcher

How to make simple handmade Dreamcatcher

If you’ve just known about this topic, find out here to know What is Dreamcatcher?

And below, will show you how to make a simple handmade Dreamcatcher, from this simple homemade Dreamcatcher you can create for yourself many different ways of handmade dreamcatcher with the theme such as shell Dreamcatcher, stone Dreamcatcher, Wooden Dreamcatcher…

Let’s get started to make this simple handmade Dreamcatcher!
How to make a simple Dreamcatcher
The most basic material of a homemade Dreamcatcher is a circle made from bamboo, plastic, zinc… and wool.
Wrap the wool around the circle, then choose a point in the circle to tie a wool rope to make Dreamcatcher’s hook.
easy homemade dreamcatcher
From that point of the hook, start making “net” for the Dreamcatcher. Firstly you make a octagon/ hexagon inside the circle (based on the size of the circle then you choose the octagon/ hexagon). Then continue making smaller ones inside by putting the rope through the central point of the octagon/ hexagon’s sides.
simple handmade dreamcatcher
Keep making like that till the octagon/ hexagon is getting smaller and then cover your handmade Dreamcatcher. In the process, you can also add in some items into the wool to make theme for your handmade Dreamcatcher.
How to make a simple Dreamcatcher  2
When complete, you hang on some further/ wool… on the bottom opposite the hook of your homemade dream catcher.
homemade dreamcatcher

So you’ve done with the simple handmade Dream-catcher. Wish you have sweet dreams with your handmade Dreamcatcher. - How to make a simple Homemade Dreamcatcher.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone

Handmade iPhone toys, handmade iPhone speakers with no battery. And you can apply this to make handmade speakers for other smart phones.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone You definitely know about the effect of sound in the glass. This effect happens when you put a phone in a glass, a bucket, a bowl or anything alike, then the sound will be amplified louder thanks to the interference of sound waves. This is it which people apply for guitar box, violin to amplify the sound from the string. Applying this effect, now we’ll show you how to make Handmade simple speakers for iPhone/ smartphones, which is very simple but creative from the easy-to-find items.


1 empty chip tube/ paper tube/ tin can.. or anything has the same shape, 2 butterfly-shaped paperclips, some thin & soft paper, marker, scissors, your favorite color.

How to make Handmade simple speakers for iPhone:

handmade smart phone speaker
Step 1: Draw a rectangular with the same width as the thickness of the phone, the length is a little bit longer than the bottom of iPhone. Then use the scissors to cut along the done shape (the length is a little bit longer than the bottom of iPhone, so that the phone will not go down through that hole when put in).

handmade iphone toys
Step 2: Stick 2 butterfly-shaped paperclips into 2 sides for the Handmade simple speakers for iPhone not to roll over.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone
Step 3: Paint your Handmade simple iPhone speakers. 

handmade smart phone speaker 1
Step 4: Put into a little soft paper so that the sound will be warmer. Notice that if you put into it too much paper or your paper is too hard or too thick, it’ll prevent the sound from going through the speakers. You’d better put a little paper in this handmade iPhone toy.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone  1
Stick your iPhone/ smartphone into the done Handmade simple speakers and enjoy it.
From this idea of handmade thing, you can also make many different Handmade simple speakers from bamboo, paper, wood, paper-glass… And there are also many models of speakers based on this idea which are produced to be sold in the market. Find out HERE more creative ideas for your Handmade simple speakers for iPhone/ smartphones. -  Handmade simple speakers for iPhone .

Handmade soldiers toy clock

Very simple but not expensive, this handmade clock from soldier toys will make your room unique and comfortable.

Handmade soldiers toy clock

Find a clock machine and clockwise and some sodier toys.
Stick the soldiers and machine of the clock on the wall, remember to mark the points exactly with the situation of 12 numbers, then stick them. Otherwise you will find it very difficult to make a nice handmade clock.

DIY toys clock

So your room has a unique clock and you can proud that you did it yourself :”>
Instead of the soldier toys you can use tank or plane models… to make your handmade toys clock, or you can even make your own a homemade toy clock from colorful dice toys like this:

Handmade dice toys clock
Very lively, right? -  Easy handmade soldiers toy clock.

Handmade toy motorbike from lighters

handmade toy motorbike from lighterYou wanna make handmade DIY toys? Wanna make yourself the cute motorbike like this!? Follow the structure below :>

Preparation: 2 lighters TOTALLY OUT OF GAS (otherwise it will explode while making) and glue.  
DIY toy motorcycle from lighter

easy diy toys
How to make your handmade toy motorbike from lighter:

turm cigaret lighter into toy motor cycle
Step 1: Pick out these items of the lighter: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 each kind 2 items. Apart from 4, pick just one, remove the other's plastic part. Item 3 just need one. 

how to make DIY toy motor
Step 2: Nest number 1 into number 2 to make 2 couples, then stick in (like the picture) to make the chassis of the handmade toy motorbike.

handmade toy motorbike from cigaret lighter
Step 3: Stick number 3 in the front to make its front part. Then nest number 4 into the spring 5. After that, put number 4 into the hole in number 2, then nest into another spring 5 and cut stick 4 shorter. Stick other number 4 in it and bend 2 heads of the stick .

Easy DIY toy motor
Step 4: Put number 6 into number 7 as in the picture. Then stick it in the bottom of the motorbike to make 2 tailpipes for the handmade toy motorbike.

DIY handmade toy motorcycle
Step 5: Stick number 8 into 2 holes to make wheels of the motorbike.

So you’ve made a nice handmade model of toy motorbike for your working corner.

handmade toy motorcycle lighter
You can also make nice license plate or electronic clock for them. :”> - Handmade toy motorbike from lighters.

DIY Handmade unique toys from PC’s hard drive

DIY handmade toys
Ideas for  DIY handmade unique toys from PC’s hard drive

With the very high speed of industry, the hard drives are getting out of date very quickly and the better ones will be used instead. So why don’t you use them to make something interesting! Like these DIY handmade toys for example.

And there are many people make themselves several unique DIY toys like that, we should check it out. Who know? You may find some ideas from them.

DIY toys from hard drive
First is the model of a building in Manhattan malls (New York), which is made from hard drives and other components of PC, is invented by an Italian artist, Franco Recchia.

handmade toy from hard drive
This homemade vase which has ability to rotate 360 degree is put on base from of old hard disks and uses the rotary of hard driver.

homemade toy from recycling
This DIY handmade watch used hard drive of the 2311 of IBM which was invented in 1960s to build up.

easy diy toys ideas
A DIY handmade robot toy, he is not weaker than ‘Transformer’ those.

simple homemade toys guides
A handmade robot hand making a fighting machine ;>

DIy handmade cute toys
A model motorbike was handmade impressively from components of an old hard drive. The thing here is, this beautiful DIY handmade work-art toy was made by Miguel Revera, a system administrator, not a professional artist.

DIY handmade toy from pc drive
Ah, this must be a pan-cake making robot :>

Hope you will find yourself some interesting ideas for making your own DIY handmade toys! - Easy DIY toys from ideas to guides.

7 ways of how to make a homemade Christmas trees

Christmas is coming, let’s make some homemade decorations to make our space warmer. And in the decorations, Christmas trees is definitely the most important, right?
But the Xmas trees on sale are very popular, neither unique nor special. Why don’t you look around these instructions of how to make a homemade Christmas trees below. You will be absolutely feel excited and choose for yourself a way to make a suitable handmade Xmas tree.

Homemade Christmas Trees
1. This DIY Christmas tree is the easiest to make:
Take zinc or copper wire (not too hard to make) cover around a triangular pyramid sold in the handmade stores or you can do that with a birthday hat/ Christmas hat in the bookshops or bakeries. Then take that triangular pyramid out. It’s done for the first handmade Christmas tree.

How to make handmade Xmas tree
2. This Crafts Christmas tree is made by wrap the ropes around an triangular pyramid shaped item or a birthday hat, then glue all the ropes, wait till it totally dry (or you can put all the ropes into glue then wrap, learn more about this here: How to make handmade spiderweb). Then take that triangular pyramid out. Don’t forget to decorate snowflakes, stars, lights.. for your handmade Xmas tree.

Making Crafts Christmas tree
3. This homemade Christmas tree is made from ribbon, buttons or any items which can be put the ribbon through and look okay. These handmade Christmas trees can only be made in small size cause if it’s too big, ribbons will be down, so you should make the Christmas trees like these to hang on and decorate everywhere.

How to make homemade Xmas Tree
4. The kind of net used to make this Christmas tree is quite hard to find, but as I see, when light it up it’s so beautiful that I’ve decided to show you how to make this homemade Christmas decorations, as long as you find that net. You can use thick net to wrap around a triangular-pyramid thing then glue it.. like the second way to make Xmas tree, or simply you can wrap plastic net around to make a Christmas tree. It’s done!

DIY handmade Christmas Decorations
5. This is also an easy way to make a crafts Christmas tree . Wrap the ropes around triangular-pyramid things or birthday hats, glue the top and the bottom and hang the decoration on.

6. This is called Christmas tree because using it for Christmas decorations is beautiful and suitable, or you can show it in your home as a normal decoration. Apart from this color of bottle, you can use any color you like. The difficulty of this is making a hole on the bottle to put the wire through. But it’s OK, you can put the wire through the head of bottle, then when you show it, put that side to where nobody see. Or you can tie the ropes to hang it on to make handmade lamp, it’s alright. And the wire will go along the rope so your  homemade Xmas tree will look better.
Ah.. I guess that nobody will notice this too much :< Let’s go for the next.

DIy homemade Christmas Trees from old books
7. How to make a homemade Christmas tree from old books. Find an old thick book, draw and use paper-knife to cut like in the picture. Then roll to the behind of the book. So you have a handmade Christmas tree from old books.
Hope that you will choose for yourself a way to make a handmade Christmas tree among these. Or at least, you can come up with some ideas for your own crafts Christmas tree.
Wish you a Merry Christmas! - 7 ways of  how to make a homemade Christmas trees.

Christmas decorations with handmade snowman

If you are interested in handmade DIY Christmas decorations, you cannot pass this lovely snowman. This simple handmade snowman will bring a little cold of winter snow as well as a little warm with cute handmade shawl. In addition, this handmade Christmas toy is made from milk bottles, so we can say that you are joining the movement of recycling rubbish to protect the environment :)

DIY christmas snowman
Look at this! Handmade snowman for Christmas decorations will be very exciting. Let’s start!
Preparations for making our homemade snowman:

Handmade Christmas decoration
Milk bottles like the ones in the picture (such as Fristi, Proby, Yakult..), soft paper_any colors you like to make winter hat, 1 piece of red cloths, 1 piece of red paper, scissors, marker.
How to make Handmade Snowman for Christmas decorations from milk bottles:
Step 1:
Homemade snowman
DIY handmade snowman
Make a hat for the DIY handmade snowman: ruck the paper into rectangular, put a part of it in the bottle, wrap the rest around the orifice.

Step 2:
DIY Christmas toys
DIY snowman christmas
Homemade snowman xmas
Use a screwdriver or a metal stick to make a hole right at snowman’s nose. Then roll the red paper to make a nose like in the picture, stick it in the done hole. So we’ve made the nose for him.
Step 3:
handmade snowman for Christmas
Use marker to draw eyes, mouth and buttons or you can find some small plastic buttons to make it more lively. Wrap the red cloths to make a scarf.
Well, we’ve made a homemade snowman toy for warmer Christmas. A handmade DIY Christmas decorations like this is very simple, hardly expensive but very interesting, isn’t it? - how to make DIY snowman for Christmas Decoration.

Handmade rings from coat buttons

DIY Handmade rings
DIY handmade rings for your boy/girlfriend or couple rings. It is quite nice, isn’t it? Let’s start.

Preparation for your cute homemade rings: A ring(with nothing on it), buttons, glue, nippers.
Homemade rings from coat buttons

How to make Handmade rings from coat buttons:

simple DIY ring
Step 1: Select your favourite coat buttons, may be the big ones, remove the tail of them.

easy homemade ring
Step 2: Drip glue on the ring.

DIY homemade ring
Step 3: Stick the buttons into the ring. Wait till glue is dry.

Easy DIY ring

These DIY handmade rings is quite lovely and unique, aren't they? Since they're very easy, you can make several ones, too.

Handmade rings from coat buttons

Making such a homemade rings for your boy/girlfriend will definitely make his/her day. It will also remind them of you by wearing this DIY handmade ring huh!

www.easydiytoys - DIY Handmade rings from coat buttons