Handmade soldiers toy clock

Very simple but not expensive, this handmade clock from soldier toys will make your room unique and comfortable.

Handmade soldiers toy clock

Find a clock machine and clockwise and some sodier toys.
Stick the soldiers and machine of the clock on the wall, remember to mark the points exactly with the situation of 12 numbers, then stick them. Otherwise you will find it very difficult to make a nice handmade clock.

DIY toys clock

So your room has a unique clock and you can proud that you did it yourself :”>
Instead of the soldier toys you can use tank or plane models… to make your handmade toys clock, or you can even make your own a homemade toy clock from colorful dice toys like this:

Handmade dice toys clock
Very lively, right? 

www.easyDIYtoys.com -  Easy handmade soldiers toy clock.