Christmas decorations with handmade snowman
If you are interested in handmade DIY Christmas decorations, you cannot pass this lovely snowman. This simple handmade snowman will bring a little cold of winter snow as well as a little warm with cute handmade shawl. In addition, this handmade Christmas toy is made from milk bottles, so we can say that you are joining the movement of recycling rubbish to protect the environment :)

Look at this! Handmade snowman for Christmas decorations will be very exciting. Let’s start!
Preparations for making our homemade snowman:

Milk bottles like the ones in the picture (such as Fristi, Proby, Yakult..), soft paper_any colors you like to make winter hat, 1 piece of red cloths, 1 piece of red paper, scissors, marker.
How to make Handmade Snowman for Christmas decorations from milk bottles:
Step 1:

Make a hat for the DIY handmade snowman: ruck the paper into rectangular, put a part of it in the bottle, wrap the rest around the orifice.
Step 2:

Use a screwdriver or a metal stick to make a hole right at snowman’s nose. Then roll the red paper to make a nose like in the picture, stick it in the done hole. So we’ve made the nose for him.
Step 3:

Use marker to draw eyes, mouth and buttons or you can find some small plastic buttons to make it more lively. Wrap the red cloths to make a scarf.
Well, we’ve made a homemade snowman toy for warmer Christmas. A handmade DIY Christmas decorations like this is very simple, hardly expensive but very interesting, isn’t it? - how to make DIY snowman for Christmas Decoration.