Handmade simple speakers for iPhone

Handmade iPhone toys, handmade iPhone speakers with no battery. And you can apply this to make handmade speakers for other smart phones.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone You definitely know about the effect of sound in the glass. This effect happens when you put a phone in a glass, a bucket, a bowl or anything alike, then the sound will be amplified louder thanks to the interference of sound waves. This is it which people apply for guitar box, violin to amplify the sound from the string. Applying this effect, now we’ll show you how to make Handmade simple speakers for iPhone/ smartphones, which is very simple but creative from the easy-to-find items.


1 empty chip tube/ paper tube/ tin can.. or anything has the same shape, 2 butterfly-shaped paperclips, some thin & soft paper, marker, scissors, your favorite color.

How to make Handmade simple speakers for iPhone:

handmade smart phone speaker
Step 1: Draw a rectangular with the same width as the thickness of the phone, the length is a little bit longer than the bottom of iPhone. Then use the scissors to cut along the done shape (the length is a little bit longer than the bottom of iPhone, so that the phone will not go down through that hole when put in).

handmade iphone toys
Step 2: Stick 2 butterfly-shaped paperclips into 2 sides for the Handmade simple speakers for iPhone not to roll over.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone
Step 3: Paint your Handmade simple iPhone speakers. 

handmade smart phone speaker 1
Step 4: Put into a little soft paper so that the sound will be warmer. Notice that if you put into it too much paper or your paper is too hard or too thick, it’ll prevent the sound from going through the speakers. You’d better put a little paper in this handmade iPhone toy.

Handmade simple speakers for iPhone  1
Stick your iPhone/ smartphone into the done Handmade simple speakers and enjoy it.
From this idea of handmade thing, you can also make many different Handmade simple speakers from bamboo, paper, wood, paper-glass… And there are also many models of speakers based on this idea which are produced to be sold in the market. Find out HERE more creative ideas for your Handmade simple speakers for iPhone/ smartphones.
www.easyDIYtoys.com -  Handmade simple speakers for iPhone .