Showing posts with label Craft Decorations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craft Decorations. Show all posts

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Halloween is coming. Any ideas for decorations? You absolutely come up with the Halloween ghosts, don’t you? Ghosts have their characters, too. Others ghosts very horrible while your ghosts are so funny. So you can make them cute and impressive. What are you waiting for? Let’s make some handmade Halloween Ghosts for decorations just from some ping-pong balls!

Ah, you ought to draw in your mind about the done ones. They’ll be like this:

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Inspiring handmade Halloween decorations idea right, let’s make it!

Materials Preparation:
Handmade Halloween ghosts
  • Some ping-pong balls
  • White cloths
  • Milky glue
  • Scissors
  • Black markerSome small bulbs

How to make the Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations:

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls
Step 1: Use the marker to draw faces for the balls in order to make the ghosts have your favorite emotions. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts ping-pong balls
Step 2: You can hang the Halloween ghosts up to let it fly around the ceiling. In case you want them to fly along the grounds or on the desk, find an egg paper container, let it be up side down.
The ghosts’ bodies: Make the papers into the balls then stick them into the top of the egg container.

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 1

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 1
Step 3: Make a hole on the ping-pong balls which can contain a bulb. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 2
Step 4: Use glue to stick these balls into the handmade Halloween ghosts’ bodies which were done in step 2. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 2

Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Step 5: Make a liquid with milky glue and water. Then put the small cloths in it. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts
Step 6: Put the done cloths on the balls. Grrr...We’re the ping-pong ghostsss!!! 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 3
Wait for a little bit and we’ll have the ping-pong balls handmade Halloween ghosts. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Decorating the Halloween ghosts like this is very lovely, isn’t it?

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 4
And this is our handmade Halloween ghosts when we turn on the lights. ;>

Do these ghosts look unique? ^^ Why don’t you start making the ones like these? Using these Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations or as a lamp is also not bad idea, huh!
You may also like this:
10 ideas for handmade Halloween decorations and costumes
10 ideas for handmade Halloween decorations and costumes
7 ways of how to make a homemade Christmas trees
7 ways of how to make a homemade Christmas trees

www.easyDIYtoys - Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations.

Homemade Tin Can Clock

From tin cans, cake boxes, tea boxes, recycle cans, why not make your self some homemade wall clocks, desk clocks that very unique personality.

Homemade Tin Can Clock

Well, apart from the use of this handmade tin can clock to decorate you can make them and bring out selling at handmade fairs, a little money, just fun, beside meaningful because you have self-employment to earn reenter the response to the waste recycling, too.
How to make a homemade tin can clock:

Actually you need some recycle tin cans, find around a machine of a wall clock or table clock.
handmade Tin Can Clock
The clock machine looked like the picture above, it has some helix for you to tick the machine to your tin cans.

Homemade Tin Can Clock simple
Chisel a hole at the middle of the can with the size that your clock machine's axis can go through, tie the helix, then fix the clock hand on these other side.

Handmade Tin Can Clock simple
Now, you've done your homemade tin can clock from tin cans, cake boxes, tea boxes, recycle cans. You may paint or stick some number on.

Homemade Tin Can Clock easy
If you make a big handmade clock by a big tin can, you may make some bigger clock hand form paper or wood like this. Be notice to chose very thin paper/ wood pieces that your clock hand will not stuck together.

handmade Tin Can Clock easy
And, this is a big size homemade tin can wall clock.

simple Homemade Tin Can Clock
Not only round shape tin cans; cake box; milk box, you can also make your handmade clock with a square or rectangular cans. As above, a handmade clocks for tea enthusiasts.

Homemade Tin Can Clock 1

Decorative your shelves, desk with a homemade tin can clock like this do really unique personality is not it. It was simple to make, too. Now blow your creativity to make some.
You may also like this creatively simple handmade wall clock, just check it out. - Homemade Tin Can Clock.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon

Making handmade ornaments like this look really cute right! Let fly with his homemade toy air balloon.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon

Materials for making toy handmade air balloon:
  • Paper globe if there is not then you can use the plastic ball / Christmas globe.
  • Acrylic color for the globe paper, or  paint for plastic ball.
  • Thin cardboard, wool, copper wire, glue, sewing needles.

How to make the toy air balloon:

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 1
Step 1: Color, paint your globe, make a hanger hook for each one.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 2
Step 2: Fold your cardboard in to square box to make the passenger room.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 3
Handmade Toy Air Balloon 4
Step 3: Glue the cube wire on the box wall like the pictures above.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 5
Step 4: Roll the wool alternate with the cube wire tight around the box.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 6
Step 5: Glue to fix the wool's end.

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 7
Step 6: Bend the protruding part of the copper wire inside, paste 1 other wool wire with different colors on the paper box boder. So we've done the passenger room of the handmade toy air balloon.
Handmade Toy Air Balloon 8

Handmade Toy Air Balloon 9
Handmade Toy Air Balloon simple
Step 7: sewing needle threaded the wool rope to cross 4 corner of hanging paper box.
Handmade Toy Air Balloon easy
Step 8: knot the 4 ending of the wool ropes, paste the top rope into the globe by a right angle.
Handmade Toy Air Balloon guides
Great! you've made yourself a handmade toy air balloon. this must be a cute decoration for your corner. - Handmade Toy Air Balloon.

Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool

Simply, with a tin can, colorful wool and the electric bulbs that you can make for yourself a Handmade Romantic Lamp to make your bedroom more lovely.
Handmade Romantic Lamp
Where’s the boys? Let’s make this Handmade Romantic Lamp for your girlfriends, they’ll timber right then!
Preparations for Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool:
Lamp from tin can and wool
- Spam or milk cans
- Paper with your favourite patterns
- Wool
- Milky glue (White glue)
- Balloons
- Small bulbs with your favourite colour
How to make Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool:
Handmade Romantic from wool

Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool
Step 1: Firstly, you need to make the woolen balls from wool in a easy and fast way, balloons, and milky glue. Learn more how to make woolen balls HERE.
Handmade from tin can
Step 2: Cover the tin can/ milk can with colorful covering.
Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool
Step 3: So we almost complete the Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool. Now you make a small hole on the head to stick the bulb and put the ‘lampshade’ from wool into it.
Handmade Romantic from wool
So we’ve done with the Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool.
You can also decorate it with the item, or photos you like to make the lamp more lively.
What are you waiting for? Just get round to make a Handmade Romantic Lamp for your girlfriend! - Handmade Romantic Lamp from tin can and wool.

Simple Crafts Paper Flowers-cart

A DIY Crafts Paper Flowers-cart like this can be a gift in Valentine, Women’s Day or birthday for your girlfriend. It’s up to the topic that you can change the kind of flower you like on your crafts paper cart to make it suitable.
Crafts Paper Flowers-cart

Preparation to make the DIY Crafts Paper Flowers-cart: Hard paper, arcylic colors, colorful paper, white glue (Elmer glue), paper-knife.

How to make a Crafts Paper Flowers-cart:

Part 1: Make the body of the DIY paper cart:
paper crafts
Step 1: Cut the hard paper into the pieces with the size like in the picture to make the body for our paper-flowers cart.
DIY paper flowers cart
Step 2: Use the paper-knife to cut lightly to make slots on 4 cart walls to make them look like made from the wood. Cut small, long sticks then glue them on the cart walls.
crafts paper cart

Step 3: Glue and fit the walls and the bottom into a finishing cart body.
DIY paper toys

Step 4: Cut the paper into 2 small stick, make the hole like in the picture to make the place to attach the wheel.
Cut 2 long paper to make the handle for the DIY crafts paper flowers cart.

So you’ve done with the cart's body, you can paint the colors on it to look lovely and make it stable, stronger. You ought to come up with the theme of decoration to be suitable to each holiday like Valentine, Women’s Day, her birtday ...

Part 2: Making the wheels for handmade paper flowers cart:
how to made crafts flowers cart
Step 1: Stick the 2-sides glue on the papers, draw and cut out 8 circles with the inside diameter 7.5cm; the outside is 8cm. Stick the done 4 circles with each other, we’ll make a handmade wheel.
Crafts Paper Flowers-cart simple
Step 2: Cut the small piece with the size 4*0.5cm to make the spoke. Each spoke will need 8 piece like this. Cut a small circle, glue the spokes around, then cut 1 more circle like that and stick it on to cover the connect of the spokes. Do the same with other handmade wheel of our DIY paper flower cart.
crafts paper flowers
Step 3: Use a small stick to put through and attach wheels into the cart's body. Cut 1 more small paper stick and glue it at the head to make the cart's stand. 
easy Crafts Paper Flowers-cart

So you’done with the DIY crafts paper flowers cart. Changing the theme of flowers to make handmade gifts for your girlfriend on Valentine, Women’s Day, birthday is just cute, isn’t it? :> – Crafts Paper Flowers-cart.