Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Halloween is coming. Any ideas for decorations? You absolutely come up with the Halloween ghosts, don’t you? Ghosts have their characters, too. Others ghosts very horrible while your ghosts are so funny. So you can make them cute and impressive. What are you waiting for? Let’s make some handmade Halloween Ghosts for decorations just from some ping-pong balls!

Ah, you ought to draw in your mind about the done ones. They’ll be like this:

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Inspiring handmade Halloween decorations idea right, let’s make it!

Materials Preparation:
Handmade Halloween ghosts
  • Some ping-pong balls
  • White cloths
  • Milky glue
  • Scissors
  • Black markerSome small bulbs

How to make the Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations:

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls
Step 1: Use the marker to draw faces for the balls in order to make the ghosts have your favorite emotions. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts ping-pong balls
Step 2: You can hang the Halloween ghosts up to let it fly around the ceiling. In case you want them to fly along the grounds or on the desk, find an egg paper container, let it be up side down.
The ghosts’ bodies: Make the papers into the balls then stick them into the top of the egg container.

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 1

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 1
Step 3: Make a hole on the ping-pong balls which can contain a bulb. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 2
Step 4: Use glue to stick these balls into the handmade Halloween ghosts’ bodies which were done in step 2. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 2

Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Step 5: Make a liquid with milky glue and water. Then put the small cloths in it. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts
Step 6: Put the done cloths on the balls. Grrr...We’re the ping-pong ghostsss!!! 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 3
Wait for a little bit and we’ll have the ping-pong balls handmade Halloween ghosts. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Decorating the Halloween ghosts like this is very lovely, isn’t it?

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 4
And this is our handmade Halloween ghosts when we turn on the lights. ;>

Do these ghosts look unique? ^^ Why don’t you start making the ones like these? Using these Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations or as a lamp is also not bad idea, huh!
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www.easyDIYtoys - Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations.


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