Showing posts with label Cardboard and Paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardboard and Paper. Show all posts

Homemade Toy TV From Cardboard Box

A small Homemade toy TV from cardboard box with the interesting picture from newspaper, or comics that attract your kids  will help them to discover the nice things around. Or you can let our them making show on the television and talk along it to improve the skill of story telling.

Homemade Toy TV From Cardboard Box

Preparation for making the Homemade Toy TV:
-    A small cardboard box

-    Some magazine or comic with colors and pictures
-    2 paper tubes which are longer than the width of the box
-    1 plastic piece
-    Glue
-    Scissors or knife

How to make the Homemade toy TV from cardboard box:

Homemade cardboard toy TV
Remove the boxes carefully. Cut 4 circles at 2 sides of the box, with the same or longer diameter than that of the paper tubes. Cut a rectangular on the first side of the box, equal-spaced from the circles.

Homemade Toy TV From Cardboard Box 2
Homemade Toy TV From Cardboard Box 3
This is an additional step: If you want to make your homemade toy TV more like-real, you can use a plastic piece, cut it into the Television shape then glue it onto the rectangular up there. Or pass into the next step if you do not want to do this step.

Homemade cardboard toy Television
Find the chapter of the comics or the picture bringing your baby a story. Cut it out, the glue into a long band. You need to make sure that this band’s width is the same with the one of the ‘TV’. Use many pictures, many stories as you can, it’ll be more interesting. Glue the heads into the paper tubes.

Homemade cardboard toy TV 2
Roll the band into the tubes like in the picture. Put the tube into the box and glue the box.

Homemade Toy TV From Cardboard Box 4
Once the box is glued, you’ve done with your homemade toy TV from cardboard box. Let’s gather the whole family to watch your television show! :>

Another interesting homemade cardboard toy TV guides:

The same topic with homemade cardboard toy:

Homemade paper kitchen toys for your babies
4 Homemade paper kitchen toys for your babies

 www.easyDIYtoys - Homemade cardboard toys

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Halloween is coming. Any ideas for decorations? You absolutely come up with the Halloween ghosts, don’t you? Ghosts have their characters, too. Others ghosts very horrible while your ghosts are so funny. So you can make them cute and impressive. What are you waiting for? Let’s make some handmade Halloween Ghosts for decorations just from some ping-pong balls!

Ah, you ought to draw in your mind about the done ones. They’ll be like this:

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Inspiring handmade Halloween decorations idea right, let’s make it!

Materials Preparation:
Handmade Halloween ghosts
  • Some ping-pong balls
  • White cloths
  • Milky glue
  • Scissors
  • Black markerSome small bulbs

How to make the Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations:

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls
Step 1: Use the marker to draw faces for the balls in order to make the ghosts have your favorite emotions. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts ping-pong balls
Step 2: You can hang the Halloween ghosts up to let it fly around the ceiling. In case you want them to fly along the grounds or on the desk, find an egg paper container, let it be up side down.
The ghosts’ bodies: Make the papers into the balls then stick them into the top of the egg container.

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 1

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 1
Step 3: Make a hole on the ping-pong balls which can contain a bulb. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 2
Step 4: Use glue to stick these balls into the handmade Halloween ghosts’ bodies which were done in step 2. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 2

Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Step 5: Make a liquid with milky glue and water. Then put the small cloths in it. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts
Step 6: Put the done cloths on the balls. Grrr...We’re the ping-pong ghostsss!!! 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 3
Wait for a little bit and we’ll have the ping-pong balls handmade Halloween ghosts. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Decorating the Halloween ghosts like this is very lovely, isn’t it?

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 4
And this is our handmade Halloween ghosts when we turn on the lights. ;>

Do these ghosts look unique? ^^ Why don’t you start making the ones like these? Using these Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations or as a lamp is also not bad idea, huh!
You may also like this:
10 ideas for handmade Halloween decorations and costumes
10 ideas for handmade Halloween decorations and costumes
7 ways of how to make a homemade Christmas trees
7 ways of how to make a homemade Christmas trees

www.easyDIYtoys - Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations.

How To Fold A Paper Boat

Let’s come back to our childhood with a simple Paper Boat and here is how to fold a paper boat:

How To Fold A Paper Boat

How To Fold A Paper Boat simple
Step 1: Firstly, fold the half paper along the length.

How To Fold A Paper Boat 1
Step 2: Then keep on turning the paper around and fold it again.

How To Fold A Paper Boat 2
Step 3: When finish folding, open the paper to have the lines like in the picture. Only open once, the paper in the picture still is the one in step 1.

Simple way to fold a paper boat
Step 4: Fold an angle inside along the line. - How To Fold A Paper Boat

Simple way to fold a paper boat 1
Step 5: Do the same with the other side.

How To Fold A Paper Boat 3
Step 6: Fold a part onto the part you’ve fold..

How To Fold A Paper Boat 4
Step 7: …and the same with the other side. - How To Fold A Simple Paper Boat

Simple way to fold a paper boat 2
Step 8: Let your thumb through the hole in the middle of the paper, use the forefinger to fold like in the picture. The part which is pointed..

How To Fold A Paper Boat 5
Step 9: ..fold the right part down, the left one up.

Simple way to fold a paper boat 3
Step 10: Put a part of paper and fold it up.

How To Fold A Paper Boat 6
Step 11: Do the same with the other side. - How To Fold A Paper Boat

How To Fold A Paper Boat 7
Step 12: The same with Step 8.

Simple way to fold a paper boat 4
Step 13: If you follow all the steps , you’ll have one like in the picture.

How To Fold A Paper Boat 8
Step 14: Softly pull 2 angles of it out. - How To Fold A Simple Paper Boat

How To Fold A Paper Boat 9
Step 15: Fold it, roll it to make it harder.

You’ve already fold a simple Paper Boat. The tip is fold the right line and be careful then the boat will not be wrong.

Please Check out Here for more Homemade toys from cardboard and paper . – How To Fold A Simple Paper Boat.

Homemade toys - Funny Swinging Monkey

Before going to the details guide for how to make this funny swinging monkey, a very in interesting homemade toy. Please watch this video, it must be very inspiring and make you want to make this cardboard as soon as possible:

It is interesting right! Let's begin to make by your self this toy.


Homemade toys Funny Swinging Monkey
  • Thin cardboard
  • 2 bamboo sticks
  • 1 toothpick
  • 1 plastic straw
  • 1 popsicle
  • Some thin rope

How to make the homemade toy - Funny Swinging Monkey:

Homemade toys
Draw 1 monkey body, 2 hands, 2 legs on your cardboard. Note that the hands should be long enough that the monkey will not be stuck when swinging.

Swinging Monkey toy
Cut them all out.

Homemade toys Funny Swinging Monkey 1
Bore 2 holes on the body, 3 hole on the hands, 1 hole on the legs as this picture.

Homemade toys 1

funny Swinging Monkey toy

Homemade toys Funny Swinging Monkey 2
Slip your toothpick through 1 hand then the body, and then the other hand. Glue 2 hand to the toothpick. Be careful not to glue the body to the toothpick, that make the toy monkey can not swing.

Homemade toys 2
Cut away the spare parts of the toothpick.

Swinging Monkey toy 2
Do the same for the legs. Now you can see the monkey of your homemade swinging toy.

Homemade toys Funny Swinging Monkey 3

Homemade toys 3
Carve 2 lines on each bamboo sticks, tie your thin rope to one of them at the 2 slits, glue to fixed the tie points.

Funny Swinging Monkey 3
Slip 2 ropes through 2 holes of each hands. Beware of the order, the higher rope slip through the hole that closer to the body.

Homemade toys Funny Swinging Monkey 4

Homemade toys 4
Continue to tie the ropes to the last bamboo stick, glue to fixed them. ( After tying, if one rope longer than the other, make it some more rounds around the stick, glue again .. until 2 rope have the same length).

Homemade toys Funny
Make 2 hole on the popsile, put 2 segments of plastic straws through, glue them together.

Homemade toys Funny Swinging Monkey 5
Put 2 sticks through 2 straws, glue the sticks to the straws.

Now, you've made your self the funny swinging monkey, enjoy your very excited homemade toy.

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Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun
Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun

The swinging girl Toys
The swinging girl Toys - Homemade toys - Funny Swinging Monkey.