Showing posts with label Handmade Halloween toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handmade Halloween toys. Show all posts

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Halloween is coming. Any ideas for decorations? You absolutely come up with the Halloween ghosts, don’t you? Ghosts have their characters, too. Others ghosts very horrible while your ghosts are so funny. So you can make them cute and impressive. What are you waiting for? Let’s make some handmade Halloween Ghosts for decorations just from some ping-pong balls!

Ah, you ought to draw in your mind about the done ones. They’ll be like this:

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations

Inspiring handmade Halloween decorations idea right, let’s make it!

Materials Preparation:
Handmade Halloween ghosts
  • Some ping-pong balls
  • White cloths
  • Milky glue
  • Scissors
  • Black markerSome small bulbs

How to make the Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations:

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls
Step 1: Use the marker to draw faces for the balls in order to make the ghosts have your favorite emotions. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts ping-pong balls
Step 2: You can hang the Halloween ghosts up to let it fly around the ceiling. In case you want them to fly along the grounds or on the desk, find an egg paper container, let it be up side down.
The ghosts’ bodies: Make the papers into the balls then stick them into the top of the egg container.

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 1

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 1
Step 3: Make a hole on the ping-pong balls which can contain a bulb. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 2
Step 4: Use glue to stick these balls into the handmade Halloween ghosts’ bodies which were done in step 2. 

Handmade Halloween ghosts from ping-pong balls 2

Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Step 5: Make a liquid with milky glue and water. Then put the small cloths in it. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts
Step 6: Put the done cloths on the balls. Grrr...We’re the ping-pong ghostsss!!! 

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 3
Wait for a little bit and we’ll have the ping-pong balls handmade Halloween ghosts. 

 ping-pong balls Handmade Halloween ghosts 1
Decorating the Halloween ghosts like this is very lovely, isn’t it?

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations 4
And this is our handmade Halloween ghosts when we turn on the lights. ;>

Do these ghosts look unique? ^^ Why don’t you start making the ones like these? Using these Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations or as a lamp is also not bad idea, huh!
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www.easyDIYtoys - Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations.

Cute handmade spider’s web

Instructions for hand-made spider’s web. This one is quite funny and horrible. Using it for indoor decorations or Halloween decorations is very imaginative.

Prepared: Wool ropes, balloons, glue, toy spiders.
How to make DIY spider's web toy:

Step 1: Put the wool ropes into glue.

Step 2: Take those ropes and cover the balloons which looks like a spider’s web.

Step 3: Put them into glue again, then take outside and wait until it’s dried.

Step 4: Use the needles to break the balloons, tie the toy spiders on this hand-made web with sutures.

So we’ve completed a hand-made spider’s web which is surprisingly simple but imaginative.

Hang it up for your Halloween party! Then they can be used to decorate your house from now on. It’s not a bad idea, is it!

More homemade Halloween decoration toys:

Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations
Handmade Halloween ghosts for decorations - Cute handmade spider’s web.

10 ideas for handmade Halloween decorations and costumes

Halloween decorations, costumes or dishes may be the favorites of many people because they satisfy people’s creativity in such an funny and horrible event. Have you already got any new and interesting one this Halloween? Why don’t you look over these 10 ideas for hand-made Halloween decorations, costumes and dishes? These are the ones which are very easy-making and not much expensive. Let’s start.

1. This is an form of Halloween decorations. Collect the plastic cans, draw the Halloween masks on them by using markers, then hang the bulbs inside them. That’s how we have Halloween pumpkin cans with wonderful light. You can use these hand-made cans to decorate in the dark sides, along the stairs, or around the yard…

2. How about a hand-made Halloween hand-bag like this? It’s very cute, isn’t it? Easy to make, too. You can also use the markers to draw the ghost’s eyes onto the balls, as well as some gauze to cover around the mummy.

3. Your pet also want to join Halloween party with you? Let’s give him a costume to make him a ‘dog-ghost’. You and your pet might be the perfects couple in the party.

4. If you are planning to organize a Halloween party, so this is a small idea but can make yours very exciting. Ah, don’t forget to glue the eyes stickily enough so that nobody would drink it all.

5. Is there a ghost walking on the wall?! Oh, just the foot-shaped black paper for Halloween’s decorations.

6. Having no pumpkin lamp, it cannot be called Halloween. But making one is quite wasting time and… pumpkin, too. How about a ‘pumpkin bucket’? It can make the ghost scared, too, can’t it? This kind of Halloween decorations can be made with pots, buckets, cans… Just gather all of plastic items in your house and make it!

7. Your friends coming to the party may imagine that a witch had come and put the ‘flying-besom’ in front of the door, like this. This idea may be the most simple. After sweeping your house, put the besom outside, next to a pair of witch’s shoes and the others. Done! (You can also glue a nib into the shoe to have a pair of Halloween witch’s shoes).

8. You’ve already gathered all buckets, cans in your house. Now, put all bottles and jars together. You can burn a candle in a glass bottle and it’s quite safe.

9. This idea is for making Halloween masks, or you can do it yourself for the ghosts you’ve done.

10.An idea for your Halloween party’s dishes. Remember this man’s hand-sweet tea is made from the dolls which are safe and totally non-toxic. And not available for hot courses. Other parts like head, neck, eyes, nose… of the dolls are for different dishes.