Safe Toy Swiss Knife Homemade

Homemade Safe Toy Swiss Knife from popsicles by

Safe Toy Swiss Knife Homemade

How to make yourself this Safe Toy Swiss Knife:

Toy Swiss Knife Homemade
Step1: Use 4 popsicles, cut them in to these parts. make hole on the 2 covers, the knife blade and the bottle cap opener.

How to make a toy knife

homemade safe toy Swiss knife
Step2: Glue 4 small parts at the 2 ends of a cover like this.

homemade toy Swiss knife
Step3: Continue to glue the 2nd cover on.

How to make a toy knife

homemade safe toy Swiss knife 1
Step4: Put the toothpick stick through 2 cover, the knife blade, and the bottle opener. Glue the toothpick to 2 cover. Be careful, do not stick the toothpick to the knife and the opener. Then cut away the spare part of the toothpick.

homemade safe toy Swiss knife 2

DIY safe toy Swiss knife
You can decor your homemade safe toy Swiss knife like this.

homemade safe toy Swiss knife 3

DIY safe toy Swiss knife 1
Or like this.

Some more pictures of this DIY toy knife from popsicles:

DIY safe toy Swiss knife 2

homemade safe toy Swiss knife 4

DIY safe toy Swiss knife 3

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  1. This is very safe toys knife. Really this is very awesome idea. Thanks for sharing this post.
