How to make a homemade box kite
Here comes the summer, let’s make the unique kites to play. In this topic, will show you how to make a homemade box kite, this interesting kite flying in the sky will make everyone impressed :)

How to make a homemade box kite:

(Picture 1) The frame of the kite from bamboo and ropes.

(Picture 2) Cover the kite with cloths or papers.
In the basic, a homemade box kite is quite simple to make, only with 2 steps to make the frame and the cover like in the pictures above then you can make yourself one.
Below is the detail guide:
Step 1: Make the frame from bamboo, tie the ropes in every angle like in Pic 1:

Step 2: Cover 2 frames with thin cloths or papers.

You can also stick the ribbon into the needed point of the frame like this or use the rope to tie the cloths into the frame.

Tie the flying rope follow Pic 2 then you’ve finish your handmade box kite.
To make a box kite nice and steady, you should cut the lines at the needed points together, so the box kite will keep the shape not tottering.

You can also saw the cloths together to make the kite more attractive.

Or you can come up with other idea to make the kite with many floors like this:

Wish you succeed and have good time with your handmade box kites.
If you want to make an easier kite, then learn more in this topic: How to make a simple homemade kite.
Or else, folding the paper plane to play is also exciting: 12 ways of folding the paper plane. – How to make a homemade box kite.
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