Handmade Toy Air Balloon
Making handmade ornaments like this look really cute right! Let fly with his homemade toy air balloon.

Materials for making toy handmade air balloon:
- Paper globe if there is not then you can use the plastic ball / Christmas globe.
- Acrylic color for the globe paper, or paint for plastic ball.
- Thin cardboard, wool, copper wire, glue, sewing needles.
How to make the toy air balloon:

Step 2: Fold your cardboard in to square box to make the passenger room.

Step 3: Glue the cube wire on the box wall like the pictures above.

Step 4: Roll the wool alternate with the cube wire tight around the box.

Step 5: Glue to fix the wool's end.

Step 6: Bend the protruding part of the copper wire inside, paste 1 other wool wire with different colors on the paper box boder. So we've done the passenger room of the handmade toy air balloon.

Step 7: sewing needle threaded the wool rope to cross 4 corner of hanging paper box.

Step 8: knot the 4 ending of the wool ropes, paste the top rope into the globe by a right angle.

Great! you've made yourself a handmade toy air balloon. this must be a cute decoration for your corner.
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www.easyDIYtoys.com - Handmade Toy Air Balloon.