Homemade Marble arch Traditional game
For this homemade traditional marble game, you’ll need either a wooden marble arch or you can make one yourself out of any cardboard you have lying around. Each player shoots an agreed upon number of marbles through the arches. The player collects the points of the arch they shoot their marble through. The player with the most points wins! Or you can also paint the arches with different color to teach your kids on color by asking them shoot marbles thought the arch with color you told them to.

There are a lot of ways you can make the arch. You can make the arches bigger or smaller depending on the skill of the shooter, and you can assign any point numbers above the arches. For older children, use larger numbers that are more difficult to add or even fractions for more of a challenge. It’s up to you! You can also decorate the arch with any number of materials: crayons, paints, stickers, markers and so on. The arches can be monsters’ mouths or train tunnels or anything else you can imagine.
Here’s how to made our homemade arch of the Marble Arch Game:

Used regular cardboard, a ruler to evenly space the arches, scissors, glue, paints and a black marker. First, draw the shape of the arch board on cardboard and cut it out. Then, space out and draw five arches and cut those out.

Now make some feet for the arch board to stand up on. Cut out two triangular feet (like picture frame stands) with tabs and glue to the back of the arch board so it will stand up. Wait for the glue to dry before decorating.

Now the fun part! Decorate however you wish. Paint, colour, draw, use stickers – whatever you fancy!

Number each arch with a point amount with a marker. You may make different size for different arches and number the smaller size with bigger point, then your marble game will be more thrilling.
Now let just enjoy our exciting homemade game set!
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www.easyDIYtoys.com - Homemade Marble arch Traditional game.