Showing posts with label DIY Educational Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY Educational Toys. Show all posts

Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun

This Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun made myself from a pen, a bamboo stick (in Asia you can find a chopstick). The bullet for this homemade gun made from potato, carrot, or even some avocado's pips. If you want to make yourself a bigger potato air toy gun with stronger power, you can use some water pipes.

Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun

Now. let's explore and enjoy how to make this potato gun and how this homemade toy air gun working:

Some more interesting homemade toy gun:

Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun

Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun

Homemade toy gun from wood and bamboo

Homemade toy gun from wood and bamboo

Balancing Science Toy Cardboard Funny Clown
Balancing Science Toy Cardboard Funny Clown - Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun

How to make a homemade box kite

Here comes the summer, let’s make the unique kites to play. In this topic, will show you how to make a homemade box kite, this interesting kite flying in the sky will make everyone impressed :)
How to make a homemade box kite

How to make a homemade box kite:

Guide to make a homemade box kite
(Picture 1) The frame of the kite from bamboo and ropes.
How to make a box kite
(Picture 2) Cover the kite with cloths or papers.
In the basic, a homemade box kite is quite simple to make, only with 2 steps to make the frame and the cover like in the pictures above then you can make yourself one.

Below is the detail guide:

Step 1: Make the frame from bamboo, tie the ropes in every angle like in Pic 1:
Guide for homemade box kite

Step 2: Cover 2 frames with thin cloths or papers.
homemade box kite

How to make a homemade box kite 2
You can also stick the ribbon into the needed point of the frame like this or use the rope to tie the cloths into the frame.

How to make a homemade kite
Tie the flying rope follow Pic 2 then you’ve finish your handmade box kite.

To make a box kite nice and steady, you should cut the lines at the needed points together, so the box kite will keep the shape not tottering.
How to make a homemade box kite simple

How to make a homemade box kite 3
You can also saw the cloths together to make the kite more attractive.
Simple homemade box kite

Or you can come up with other idea to make the kite with many floors like this:

How to make a homemade box kite 4

Wish you succeed and have good time with your handmade box kites.

If you want to make an easier kite, then learn more in this topic: How to make a simple homemade kite.

Or else, folding the paper plane to play is also exciting: 12 ways of folding the paper plane.

www.easyDIYtoys.comHow to make a homemade box kite.

Handmade paper pinwheel welcoming the summer wind

In the peaceful summer days, the cool winds from somewhere come and cool down the heat. So why not enjoy these winds by the simple yet interesting handmade paper pinwheels?
simple handmade paper pinwheel
It’s easy to make but not everyone knows or maybe forgets how to make a paper pinwheel. Let’s with make a Handmade paper pinwheel welcoming the summer wind!
handmade paper pinwheel
Preparation for the Handmade paper pinwheel: Color papers, scissors, bamboo sticks, glue, small nail.
How to make Handmade paper pinwheel:
How to make Handmade paper pinwheel
Cut a square from the beginning color paper, the size of it is up to that of the bamboo stick used to make pinwheel.
easy Handmade paper pinwheel
Fold the square along the lines into a triangle then one more time fold the triangle, when open, we have a square with the lines like in the picture.
Handmade paper pinwheel simple
Use the scissors to cut along the lines, notice that only cut ½ of the lines, not the whole. Then pull the head into the center, glue the four heads each on each other, like in the picture.
Handmade paper pinwheel easy
Make a small hole through the center where the four heads were glued and through the other side, put a part of a straw into it, then use the nail to go through the hole on the straw, pin it into the head of the bamboo stick.
So you just know how to make a simple handmade paper pinwheel. Make yourself this handmade paper pinwheel pin into all windows, gardens to welcome the summer winds. -  Handmade paper pinwheel welcoming the summer wind.

10 Ideas and Details Guides For Homemade Paper Toy Houses

Kids love to have their own space, you can see that they very excited while playing with toy houses, then they seem being live in their own world. So why don't you check out these 10 Ideas and Details Guides For Homemade Paper Toy Houses and make tour own some such these simple homemade toys for your babies.

1/ Homemade paper toy country house, the decoration you may take by your self or ask your kid to do for them to develop their imagination. 
 Homemade paper toy country house

2/ Simple homemade paper toy house decorated by colorful sticking tape
Simple homemade paper toy house

3/ DIY Christmas paper toy houses
DIY Christmas paper toy houses

4/ Bigger homemade paper toy houses with the ability to put some toy furniture inside
homemade paper toy houses ideas

5/ Country toy houses need some homemade paper cages too
guides for homemade paper toy houses

6/ A Homemade paper toy elevator for apartment block
ideas for homemade paper toy houses

7/ Details guides for making homemade paper toy houses, with this simple guides your kids can fold their toy houses tidy after playing.
homemade paper toy houses guides

8/ A quarter with many homemade paper toy houses
simple guides for homemade paper toy houses

9/ Some DIY toy furniture for the paper toy houses
homemade paper toy houses simple ideas

10/ DIY toy kitchen furniture for the homemade paper toy houses
ideas and guides for homemade paper toy houses

Please find out here even more homemade paper kitchen toys - 10 Ideas and Details Guides For Homemade Paper Toy Houses.

Balancing Science Toy Cardboard Funny Clown

Balancing Science Toy Funny Clown a very simple homemade toy, you almost need about 3 minutes for this easy DIY Cardboard Toy.

Cardboard Balancing Science Toy

Materials for this Self Balancing Science Toy Clown:

Cardboard Balancing Science Toy 1
  • Some cardboard
  • 1 Popsicles
  • 2 coins
How to make this Homemade Balancing Science Toy Cardboard Funny Clown:

Homemade Balancing Science Toy
Step1: Draw and cut out a simple shape of the funny clown like this.

Cardboard Balancing Science Toy 2
Step2: Cut your popsicles to make a head, stick 2 coins to make the 2 hands.

Cardboard Balancing Science Toy 3
Step3: Draw to complete his head and body.

Homemade Balancing Science Toy 1
Yep, your homemade Balancing Science Toy Cardboard Funny Clown done, you can play it every where by balancing on your hand or you can use it as a funny table top toy.

Please check out here how it works:

 Other interesting homemade cardboard toys:

10 Ideas and Details Guides For Homemade Paper Toy Houses
10 Ideas and Details Guides For Homemade Paper Toy Houses

Simple Homemade Kite For This Summer

Flying kites is a great idea for summer right! And it will be even more great idea to fly a homemade kite that you make it yourself. Don't be afraid, it is very simple to make a DIY kite, just find out below the guide to make a simple homemade kite for this summer.

Simple Homemade Kite For This Summer

  • Bamboo stick
  • Paper or light fabric
  • Glue
  • Thin rope
Guide to make a simple homemade kite:

Step1:  Use a pencil and draw on your paper a lozenge like this picture:

Simple Homemade Kite idea For This Summer

Step2: Cut away at the edge

Simple Homemade Kite DIY
Simple Homemade make yourself

Step3: Try on your bamboo stick according the lozenge's diagonal, measure, the cut, tie them in to this T shape:

Guide Simple Homemade Kite

Step 4: Make holes at 4 corner of your paper, then tie your bamboo tie to the paper.

Summer homemade play idea

Step 5: Tie thin rope like the picture:

Guide to make a simple homemade kite

Step 6: Cut, glue your paper/ fabric in to long ribbon to make the tail for your homemade kite

Idea Simple Homemade Kite playing This Summer

Just some simple step, now you have your own a homemade kite for this summer. Let's go fly!

More homemade kite: Simple Homemade Kite For This Summer

Paper plane is also a great idea for playing in the summer, you must be very excited exploring here many way to fold a paper plane . - Simple Homemade Kite For This Summer.

Handmade toys for babies

Handmade toys mommy made for babies
Handmade toys mommy made for babiesYou can take advantage of many recycling things in your house to make the toys and show the baby how to make. Only with the simple material, add to some free time and cleverity, you will own a huge collection of interesting and economical handmade toys for baby.

Just try to imagine a little about the childhood, with our following tips, you’ll make for your baby a wonderful world.

Simple Handmade Toys from recycle

Very simple with 3 mins, you can bring to your baby a big surprise by the interesting toys, very very challenging to children. Take the plastic bottles which are cannot be opened by the children, put into them some colourful water or paper. Shake it and it’ll make plenty of twinkling colors.

Or you can use the big cardboard boxes, then decorate the cover with drawing or colors, put the box in baby’s room to let baby use and create the games like home, train, subway or hiding place. Or let baby playing the sell-and-buy game, arrange the goods made by the beautiful boxes, which are can be opened and closed
Simple Handmade Toys from recycle
Children are specially keen on the game of throwing the balls. But if your baby is still small and cannot play with balls, you can use the plastic bags or cloth, put into them some peas, rice, small balls.. then tie them. These things will not roll away too far when playing and baby can take them back. You use this toy for baby to playing games like throwing into a circle, into a some-steps-far basket...

Handmade toys attracting babies

Do not throw the toys baby don’t like anymore away. Just make the baby be interested in the creative games only with the old things. You can connect the rattle with a beautiful ropes and hide it somewhere. Let the baby touch the rope and it’ll sound familiarly. The rattle immediately turn into an original and attractive to baby.

You can also use the plastic boxes, make a hole on the 2 sides up and down, let a long rope go through, then tie it. Notice to leave an extra part of rope for the baby to hold. You can put inside some small balls. When baby pulls the rope away, it’ll sound very funny. As the same, you can collect the plastic boxes, or other metal like cake box, candy box, water box, then decorate the outside with colorful ribbons, put the bells into the boxes, or anything sounds funny. This will attract babies very much.
Handmade toys attracting babies
Show your baby to play another game more difficult from cardboard box, by choosing the things that baby can put into the box like tennis or table-tennis balls.. Cut the head of the box into the holes with the shape and a little bit bigger size. Show the baby the other games. This is a game practicing the cleverity of baby.
Toys that train babies memory

This toy will not only make the baby interested but also help baby to use the brain and improve the memory. Cut the photo in the magazine then stick it into a hard paper, request the baby to take the two the same: 2 faces, 2 boats, 2 hats. Let’s start mixing 3 pictures first. After baby understand the rules and distinguish better, you can add to some others.

In addition, there’s one more classic but original and exciting game for baby. It’s the game of stringing the circles. Use a small wooden or cardboard pipe, stick on 1 piece of wood or cardboard to make the bottom and fit the pipe with the bottom. Baby can string many circles on the pipe: bumf, clew, or tape cores..

Let’s create for baby the simple but interesting toys from unused things in your house. You’ll bring a colourful space for the baby to discover. Through that, children get used to the new world by the most familiar and safest things. - Handmade toys mommy made for babies.