DIY matches gun simple and fast

Details guide in pictures for a DIy matches gun, a simple and fast way to make you own a DIY toy gun.

DIY matches gun simple and fast

DIY matches gun
Preparing: A lighters, some hard wire, cooking aluminum foil or the aluminum foil in the cigarette box, some mathces.

How to make this DIY matches gun:

DIY matches gun simple and fast 1
 1st: Tire the wire on the lighters

DIY toy gun with matches
2nd: Cut your matches at the tops

DIY matches gun simple and fast 2
 3rd: Tire the matche's body at the rest top of the wire.

DIY toy gun with matches
 4th: Role the foil around a match

DIY matches gun simple and fast 4
 5th: Clog 1 end of the foil roles

DIY toy gun with matches 1
6th: put 1 matche's top inside

DIY matches gun 1
 Finally: Load anf shoot very simple and fast with your DIY matches gun.
Plz check out how this DIY toy gun with matches works in this clip:


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