Legend Of The Dreamcatcher
Dream catchers, which trace their roots to the culture of the Ojibwe, have grown in popularity in recent years. Let explore the Legend Of The Dreamcatcher, you must be very excited in this charm.

A mong the unique cultures of each Native American or First Nations group are myths in association with supernatural powers of the universe. Charms are integral objects in the daily lives of many nations, used as protection from evil spirits, demons and bad omens in general. In the conceptions of the Ojibwe, one of the largest Native American peoples in the United States and Canada, the dark contains both the good dreams and the nightmares of humanity, all of which exert an impact on waking life. From their culture came the dream catcher, a charm hung on the bed to ward off nightmares and evil spirits in people's sleep. This Ojibwe charm has since spread all over the world; people still put their trust and faith in dream catchers.
In the legend, the original Ojibwe dreamcatcher were made of hollow wood. The hoop of a dream catcher represents the circle of life, progressing on a non-stop basis from day to night, the whirling of time without start or end. The hoop contains woven threads in a spiral direction from the edges towards the core and is decorated with various beads or feathers. Woven threads inside the hoop resemble a spider web so that only good dreams are able to go through the web while bad ones will be snared and stuck outside. The colorful beads and soft feathers are meant to make dreams smoother and softer. In some tribes, dream catchers are even stuck with an arrow to enhance their protective strength and energy.
Dream catchers were adopted over the years by New Age practitioners and have more recently spread to popular culture. Dream catchers became widely present in late 2011 and early 2012, inspired by Bella in the Twilight saga, who used a dream catcher to keep her nightmares away and retain her good dreams. In more recent months, after the Korean TV drama The Heirs hit the airwaves, Asian youngsters went mad over dream catchers. The dream catcher that main protagonist Kim Eun Sang gave to her sweetheart Kim Tan won the hearts of many girls with its romantic and sweet significance.

Dream catchers are now not only seen as a protective charm but also as a fine ornament and meaningful gift. Some fans have even begun to learn the art of making homemade dream catchers, in the hope of producing sweet dreams for themselves and their loved ones according to the legend of the dreamcatcher.
Let find out here How To make a simple homemade dreamcatcher .
www.easyDIYtoys.com - Legend Of The Dreamcatcher.