Showing posts with label DIY Wooden Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY Wooden Toys. Show all posts

Simple Rubber Band Gun Out Of Popsicles

Last time I made an instruction on how to make a homemade toy gun from popsicles that deliver unny click-clack sound when playing. Now I found that this can also be a simple rubber band gun out of popsicles with just some adjustment.

Simple Rubber Band Gun Out Of Popsicles

This rubber band gun can make many shot at a time say for 4 to 12 rounds.

Firstly, lets see how it works:

Feel excited? Please check out how to make this simple rubber band gun from popsicles Here. When you run out of rubber band rounds, this popsicles gun can also play as a sound toy gun.

Find out here for even more homemade toy guns - Instructions For simple DIY Toys

Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor

Hello everyone, today would loke to bring you Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor, this DIY toys you can also make with popsicle stick.

Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor

You will need these material: 2 tongue depressor/ popsicle, 2 rubber bands, 1 tooth-pick, a small piece of paper.

How to make your Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor:

Homemade Toy Harmonica
Stick some sticky tape around along 2 tongue depressor, this will prevent your lips from wooden splinter.

Harmonica From Tongue Depressor
Cut your tooth-pick into 2 parts.

Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor 1
Cut a piece of paper with the size a little smaller than you tongue depressor / popsicle. Put it on the first tongue depressor.

Homemade Toy Harmonica 1
 Put 2 half-toothpick at the 2 ends.

Harmonica From Tongue Depressor 1
Put the last tongue depressor on.

Homemade Toy Harmonica 2
Use rubber bands to tie at the 2 ends, and you've finished your home toy harmonica from tongue depressor / popsicle.

An interesting thing is you can blow or inhale your homemade toy harmonica at the same point and it give different sounds.

Ah, why don't you try out other DIY sound making toys for your litte music band:

DIY Toy Guitar From Paper Boxes

DIY Toy Guitar From Paper Boxes

DIY Toy Drums For Kids

DIY Toy Drums For Kids -  Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor.

Bamboo Homemade Toy Gun

How to make yourself a homemade bamboo toy gun in a very easy way.

Bamboo Homemade Toy Gun

Notice that this is an airsoft gun, so that you have to shot it from the bigger end of the bamboo, the smaller is the gun barrel. Just in this way your homemade bamboo toy gun can work since there enough air pressure

Check out for guides how to make and how powerful it work:

If you do not have some bamboo, you can also make this homemade toy gun with a plastic pen:

Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun
Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun - Homemade toy guns

Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun

In this article, will show you how to make a homemade Click - Clack Toy gun, a DIY toy gun from popsicle and tongue depressor that sound click clack when playing.

Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun

Material for making this homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun:

Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun 1
Tongue depressor ticks or big size popsicle, popsicle which smaller than the first, tooth picks, rubber bands.

How to make the homemade click clack toy gun from popsicle and tongue depressors: 

Homemade Toy Gun from popsicle 1
Step1: Use the bigger popsicle stick, bore a hole on 2 each sticks at the position like this picture. Take some other ticks and cut 3 of them them into these above shape.

Homemade Toy Gun from popsicle 2
Step2: Stick 3 later sticks in step1 to make the handle for your homemade toy gun using Kodak Eastman 910, Super Glue 502 ... a kind of transparent liquid glue.

Homemade Toy Gun from popsicle
DIy Click Clack Toy Gun
Step3: Stick your just-made toy gun handle with 2 borehole-sticks in step1, these 2 borehole-sticks will be the body for the homade toy gun.

Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun 5
DIy Click Clack Toy Gun 1
Step4: Take 3 small popsicle stick, tick them together, then stick to the gun body like these pictures to make the gun barrel.

Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun 4
DIy Click Clack Toy Gun 2
Step5: Take 2 ticks of small size popsicle, glue them into the cross shape, bore a hole at the center that your toothpick can easy go through. This will be the trigger for your DIY click clack toy gun.

Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun 3
Step6: Put the trigger into the slit of the gun body, stab your toothpick through the gun body and the trigger. Glue the toothpick to the gun body, be careful not to let the trigger tick to the toothpcik. Then cut away the spare parts of the toothpick.

DIy Click Clack Toy Gun 3
Step7: Cut a segment from a small popsicle, use rubber band to tie them (not too hard) at the end f the gun body.

Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun 2
Now, your homemade Click Clack Toy Gun from popsicle and tongue depressor Done! Just drag the trigger to make some sound.

If you want some guide for this homemade toy gun in video or see how it work, please check out here: 
You may also found interesting:
DIY Toy Drums For Kids

DIY Toy Drums For Kids

Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun

Homemade Potato Air Toy Gun

Homemade toy gun from wood and bamboo

Homemade toy gun from wood and bamboo

www.easyDIYtoys - Homemade Click Clack Toy Gun.

Simple DIY Catapult Toy

Simple DIY Catapult Toy
The Catapult in AOE Game
If you’re a fan of Age of Empires (AOE) game or a person keen on the ancient wars, why not make for yourself a Simple DIY office Catapult Toy like this!

Guys playing Age of Empires must be very familiar with this kind of Catapult. This is the one which can shoot the stones nearly and the weaker strength than the Trebuchet. However, with the convenient design and being able to stick into the wooden cart so that the dominance of this is the flexibility.

This Handmade Catapult Toy is quite simple. You just need some pencils, ropes, crown-cap that you can own a mini DIY Catapult to attack the roommates around your office :>

This is how to make the DIY Catapult Toy
easy handmade Catapult

Simple DIY Catapult

Easy handmade Catapult toy

Just from pencils, bottle, elastic around you. Very simple, easy yet exciting, right?

You may like these DIY toys:

Safe Toy Swiss Knife
Safe Toy Swiss Knife
Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun

Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun - Simple DIY Catapult Toy.

DIY Robot Key Rings

DIY Robot Key RingsDIY Robot Key Rings from recycling. Why not?

With small pieces of wood, screw, zinc.. the other things you do not use and some creative, cleverity then you’ll make for yourself the unique Handmade DIY Robot key rings. This Handmade Robot key chain is also simple and easy to make. Let’s get start!

handmade key chains
This DIY Robot key chain is made from wood, the thing you do not use and do not know its name, but more important, it’s very easy to make.

DIY Robot Key Rings simple
Handmade Robot key rings from recycling wood.
easy handmade key chains
Bike’s pump valve, attachment, wood into the unique DIY Handmade Robot key rings.

easy DIY Robot Key Rings
This handmade chain is made from wood, spring, door’s lock.. so it’s the most creative.

simple handmade key chains
It’s also the Handmade Robot key ring from wood, screw.
DIY Robot Key Rings 2
DIY handmade key rings from wood and recycle rubbish. – DIY Robot Key Rings.

Handmade Danbo from wooden sticks

You’re very keen on the Danbo robots but you cannot afford the price of a "real" Danbo? Do not give up! Just do with this instruction of making handmade Danbo from wooden sticks (crafts stick, ice cream stick) and then make for yourself how many you want. Cause it’s handmade thing so you can create its emotion which is up to you.

Preparation for Handmade Danbo from wooden sticks:

- Wooden sticks/ sticks in the ice cream/ crafts sticks.

- Paper-knife, marker, ruler.

- Strong glue, soft sandpaper, polish oil, scissors, paint.

How to make Handmade Danbo from wooden sticks
Step 1:
Cut 10 crafts sticks with 8.5cm long and 6 sticks with 3.5cm long, then use the glue to stick it with each other into a piece like in the picture.
Step 2:
Put those pieces together and use the marker to draw eyes, noses to make the head for your handmade Danbo. (In this step, if you know how to set up a LED inside the Danbo’s head, it’ll be incredible).
Step 3:
- Cut more 8 sticks with 5cm long then stick them together by glue to make the body for handmade Danbo.
- Cut another 4 sticks to cover the below body, then glue it.

Step 4:
Cut 4 crafts sticks with 5.5cm long to make the arms for Danbo.
And 4 sticks with 4cm long to make the legs then use the glue to stick these pieces together into a shape.
Stick more 2 thin wooden pieces into 2 sides of arm and leg.
This is the body with arms and legs of a complete handmade Danbo.

Step 5:

Stick the parts of the robot with each other into the posture you want.

Use the sandpaper to make the sides more smooth, then swept a little oil on the robot to make it more long-lasting and beautiful. Let it be dry.
You can also make a handmade sole to put the Danbo robot on it, like in the picture.

So you’ve done with a Handmade Danbo from wooden sticks which is very simple and cheap but quite unique :> 

Others Handmade toy from wooden sticks:

Safe Toy Swiss Knife
Safe Toy Swiss Knife - Handmade Danbo from wooden sticks.