Showing posts with label DIY Wooden Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY Wooden Toys. Show all posts

Simple Rubber Band Gun Out Of Popsicles

Last time I made an instruction on how to make a homemade toy gun from popsicles that deliver unny click-clack sound when playing. Now I found that this can also be a simple rubber band gun out of popsicles with just some adjustment. This rubber band gun can make many shot at...

Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor

Hello everyone, today would loke to bring you Homemade Toy Harmonica From Tongue Depressor, this DIY toys you can also make with popsicle stick. You will need these material: 2 tongue depressor/ popsicle, 2 rubber bands, 1 tooth-pick, a small piece of paper. How...

Bamboo Homemade Toy Gun

How to make yourself a homemade bamboo toy gun in a very easy way. Notice that this is an airsoft gun, so that you have to shot it from the bigger end of the bamboo, the smaller is the gun barrel. Just in this way your homemade bamboo toy gun can work since there enough air...

Homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun

In this article, will show you how to make a homemade Click - Clack Toy gun, a DIY toy gun from popsicle and tongue depressor that sound click clack when playing. Material for making this homemade Click - Clack Toy Gun: Tongue depressor ticks or big size popsicle,...

Simple DIY Catapult Toy

The Catapult in AOE Game If you’re a fan of Age of Empires (AOE) game or a person keen on the ancient wars, why not make for yourself a Simple DIY office Catapult Toy like this! Guys playing Age of Empires must be very familiar with this kind of Catapult. This is the one which...

DIY Robot Key Rings

DIY Robot Key Rings from recycling. Why not? With small pieces of wood, screw, zinc.. the other things you do not use and some creative, cleverity then you’ll make for yourself the unique Handmade DIY Robot key rings. This Handmade Robot key chain is also simple and easy to...

Handmade Danbo from wooden sticks

You’re very keen on the Danbo robots but you cannot afford the price of a "real" Danbo? Do not give up! Just do with this instruction of making handmade Danbo from wooden sticks (crafts stick, ice cream stick) and then make for yourself how many you want. Cause it’s handmade thing...